Armor of God ~ Young Man

A long time ago

I created this poster

for my girls

Put on the full armor

Since then, there have been several requests for

a poster for a

young man

Here, at last ~

The Armor of God for a Young Man

Here’s your free download ~

Armor of God ~ Young Man

May your young sons be inspired to be spiritually dressed and prepared and to take their stand in the Lord.

You will find loads more free Bible posters, lessons, downloads, ideas and inspiration in my Bible Pages.


49 thoughts on “Armor of God ~ Young Man

  1. Pingback: Prince Who Didn’t Know He Was a Prince – Week 15 – A Surrendered Life

  2. Pingback: Fun Activities For Kids At Home | Practical Pages

  3. Pingback: Prince of the King ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  4. Hello. Thank you! A recent brother in Christ of ours was facing sentencing for drug offences he committed prior to God redeeming and transforming his life. Along with about 15 other members of the church community, we went to court with him last friday. I gave each of my four kids the boy version to colour on our journey to court. They coloured them in and each gave them to him before the sentence was handed down. He was so touched. And then they locked him away. We grieve with him, but look forward to what God will teach us through this season of life, and how practically we ‘remember those behind bars’. Thank you for helping us give him great encouragement with your art.


  5. Pingback: Vegyétek fel az Istennek teljes fegyverzetét | Kreatív Áhitat

  6. Thank you for sharing The Whole Armour of God for children. About a month ago, the Holy Spirit had prompt me to give something like this to my girls. I though it would take all day to create; however, He led me to look Online, and here I am. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to bless us, parents. I am also sharing it with my students in grades K-8. Grateful!


  7. I really like the art work, and what it represents, The armor is not gender specific, and that is because we normally image an armor to be heavy most pictures have men wearing armor, but God is giving us a spiritual armor, I speak about this spiritual armor we are to put on in articles I write on my website.


  8. Pingback: why we started making Armor out of Egg Cartons | Equipping Catholic Families

  9. Pingback: Armor of God craft | A Beautiful Adventure

  10. Pingback: St. George and the Dragon Unit~ The Poppins Book Nook - Teach Beside Me

  11. Pingback: Teaching about The Armor of God

  12. Thank you for posting the Armor of God coloring pages for boys & girls…I love that the “soldiers” are praying. I printed them to use for my Wed night church drama class here in St. Augustine, FL. Appreciate your talent & generosity!!!


  13. Pingback: Scripture Illustrations – Blessings | Practical Pages

  14. Wonderful job on both the drawings. Helped me prepare to teach my kids and their Sunday school class. It was so nice to find one for the girls!


  15. Thank you for this poster. We are using it in our VBS and the older children really like it! So much is geared towards the young children, the older children get left out sometimes. Your artwork is amazing and has inspired some artistic drawings among the children as well! God Bless you!


  16. Beautiful website! Came to see your site through a “free artist lap book” link, and came out with so much more! I look forward to checking in and seeing what is new! The children are going to love the Armor of God coloring pages I just printed for them! They are so nice, I might even frame them after they finish coloring them ;o) Thank you for sharing your ideas and work!


  17. Thank you so much for sharing!!!! We have always used this verse as our homeschool verse, and I’m looking forward to discussing this with my children once again and haivng them color this page for their notebooks!


  18. Thanks so much Nadene! I am the Sunday School teacher at our local church and my lesson for Sunday is the Armour of God! Beautiful Blessing!


  19. Thank you so very much, Nadene, for sharing your beautiful talents with us! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate it! They are beautiful and I will be framing them once my kiddos are done coloring them. What a treasure! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!


  20. Dear Nadene,
    Thank you so very much for this – I had seen your poster for your girls and loved it. But having three boys, I didn’t think they’d appreciate it! So thank you for taking the time to bless those of us mothers who have a lot of testosterone exploding around us.
    May the Lord continue to strengthen and bless you!


  21. I ADORE this and the girl’s page!!! I just printed them on cardstock for my son and daughter!! Thank you so much for such an inspiring piece of work!! They are wonderful!!!


  22. Hello,
    I woke up this morning and my devotional was on the Armor of God. We are a homeschool family with 6 kids and I searched images that I could print out for my kids to remind them of the scripture in Eph 6. I found your drawings and I love them. I printed them out for us and I want to thank you for your talent and for sharing this with others. My son will be attending a birthday party today with his homeschooled friend. We wrapped his gift with recyclable paper bags. My son said that he wanted to write scripture on the gift. I said well I just printed off this drawing of Eph 6 the Armor of God would you like to use that. He loved it! So I took a picture of the gift and I wanted to share it with you. Blessings and thank you, amanda


  23. Ah, Thanks a million – I’m going to get my son and daughter to colour in one each tomorrow 🙂 What a beautiful way to help them remember their armour.


  24. Absolutely beautiful, Nadene! Just gorgeous. The pose, the thoughts, even the expression — so very well done! thank you for sharing your gifts with us!


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