Sketch Tuesday ~ Something in a Smoothie

Sketching and painting for me is







It is why I love to take part in Sketch Tuesday.

Barb of Harmony Art Mom offers a simple weekly topic or theme, and then puts together a slideshow of all the emailed sketches.

No competition, no comments, no evaluation, so, no threat.

Yet, just viewing the slideshow of the participant’s sketches is an inspiration.  I listen to my children’s observations and how they are inspired to work at improving their art.


This weekend my youngest daughter and I happily sketched and painted this for this week’s Sketch Tuesday ~

Have you joined Sketch Tuesday?  What have your children (and yourself) enjoyed most about it? Please share in the comments.


4 thoughts on “Sketch Tuesday ~ Something in a Smoothie

  1. We’ve been doing Sketch Tuesday for a few months now.. I love it because it gives the kids something to look forward to each week. I had been wanting to incorporate more drawing into our home school but it was hard to be consistent till we had the weekly motivation and deadline of Sketch Tuesday. And your post today inspired me to sit down with the kids and do some sketching myself! 🙂


  2. I would love to use your ideas and worksheets in an art appreciation class I will be having for homeschoolers. Do you mind if I do that? Your prep work is awesome! I have been very inspired.


  3. Nadene….your arwork for this assignment is so very refreshing and beautiful. You have such a wonderful style and I love the way you see each assignment. A true artist…thank you so much for sharing your family’s sketches with the slideshow.
    Please tell your daughter that I love her background and her honey spoon! Perfect!


  4. Pingback: Sketch Tuesday ~ Something in a Smoothie | Homeschool HUB

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