Confessions ~ I didn’t do it all!

It may seem that all my plans were fulfilled …

that I could do everything that I set out to do …

But I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

I never will.


Many plans stayed just that – lovely, good ideas on my pages.

Life is lived and plans make way.

Important things take precedence over those things that scream “Urgent!”

And not everything is urgent. Not really.

So, what got left out this year?

Physical Education

We did not do a single formal lesson.  Not one all year.

But my kids were active:

They did obstacle courses and played soccer with other homeschoolers,

They often swam in the dam,  and ran after sheep,

and climbed our mountain (a real mountain!)

They rode their bikes and scooters and skipped.

But I had planned some ball skills lessons, tennis, ballet lessons. Daily brain gym activities faded within weeks.

We live too far for outside coaching and what I can’t do, does not happen.

… oh, well …

Maybe next year?

I’ll add physical education to my planning pages and schedule it for an easier day, and make sure that the time spent is fun.  Short and sweet.  Maybe then we’ll get it done.

(Just an encouraging note:)

Please do not be intimidated by my plans or my posts.

I cannot do it all.

I have fears.

I often fail.

I have many insecurities.

My darling husband often listens to my cares and worries.  He has wiped away many a tear.

And my prayer journal is peppered with pleas and confessions.

The Lord constantly teaches and guides me.  And sometimes I hear Him and obey.  Other times, I miss the moment.  I botch things up.

My children are not always compliant.  They have their own issues and struggles.  We have our bad days.

But, we confess.


Begin again in the new day.

Just be faithful to do what the Lord has shown you to do now.  Don’t look too far ahead.

He leads us steadfastly and all we need to do is to trust and obey.

Blessings In Him,

18 thoughts on “Confessions ~ I didn’t do it all!

  1. Pingback: Letter 24 – Failure | Practical Pages

  2. Pingback: Not Getting It All Done « Practical Pages

  3. Nadene,
    Thank you for your transparency. It is reassuring to know that others dont “do it all” either. But excellent counsel to continue to seek the Lord and His grace will be sufficient,
    May the Lord bless your next school year.


  4. There are SO many things I would love to do and never find (make) time to get them done. But really, there are SO many things to do in this world! We can never do everything. Thanks for this lovely post.


  5. Pingback: Fun Physical Activities for Children = Homeschool Phys Ed « Practical Pages

  6. Pingback: Hymn Study Schedule for 2011 « Practical Pages

  7. Good! I’m like you: I love to plan. I can PLAN like crazy! I can even blog about all my great plans. What doesn’t always happen is the working OUT of those plans. Sometimes you just can’t do it all, and sometimes seasons change and interests change, and if I did EVERYTHING that I wrote out on my blog I think we’d have to do school on weekends and year round too! Just do what you can do. 😉


  8. Nadene, Thank you for being so open. I appreciate your sentiments as I feel that way very often. I am a retired elementary school teacher (32 years) and I now homeschool 3 of my 5 grandchildren. I feel like a novice teacher as I journey this road especially since the oldest grandchild is 12 and in grade 7.

    On a different note, as I read your posts, I remember the time we visited South Africe during our stay with my sister who was, then, a missionary in Swaziland. Much has changed (politically) since our visit (1986), but, I am sure that the awesom scenery has not.


  9. Its easy to think people have it all together and begin to get down on oneself. I have done it many times. However, I know my children are learning every day and are enjoying the time and education they are getting. I’m confident that their educational needs are met. Missing little things from time to time is OK. But…it never fails for me to have everything all planned out and feel like NOTHING is getting accomplished. Then feeling like I failed. Thankfully, I have my husband to remind me how much we have got done and how far the children have come this year, so far. I don’t know what I’d do without his words of encouragement! 🙂
    Thanks for reminding me that its not just me! 🙂
    Hugs, Ashlyn


  10. Nadine
    Your post was so heartfelt – thank you! A great deal of my “formal” lessons don’t get done also, but it sounds like your children are getting plenty of PE! Sometimes it’s those informal “lessons” that work the best! Remember in our weakness HE is strong and He will fill in the gaps. Merry Christmas
    Michelle in Pennsylvania


  11. : ) I love the things that you do and I’m in awe that you do so much. I don’t try to keep up because that would be fruitless, but I do raise the bar for myself higher and higher. Thank you for all that you offer the rest of us. It is very much appreciated!

    Dana in Maryland


    • Love it….it sums up how I feel from time to time as I venture to others plans and see how much they are accomplishing in school. I love that I can take a day to spend enjoying nature and miss out on the mundane life of some homeschoolers/public schoolers!


  12. Oh, Nadene, I SO identify with this! I only wish formal PE was all I didn’t do. Formal music and art have to be added to my list (and, sad to say, I am a former art teacher!)Writing (composition) was also neglected too much, also. But,like you,oh, what we did do!

    Well, on to 2011 and new resolutions!


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