My O’Keeffe Skull & Roses

I have always loved Georgia O’Keeffe’s art!

English: Photograph of Georgia O'Keeffe by Alf...

She inspired this stew and these flowers

She is our next famous artist we will study, and her gallery is already up on our wall chart.

So, when I was out walking and happened to come across an old cow skull lying in the veld on our farm, I immediately knew which O’Keeffe painting we would study.

I lugged that skull home. (Skulls are rather heavy, I found out!)

My kids were not so impressed with the idea of drawing the skull, but I could wait to start …

When a dear friend and real artist arrived to stay for a weekend, kited out with her backpack of art supplies, I was delighted!

We draped a beautiful blue cloth over a painting on the wall with folds cascading over the table, balanced the skull against the wall and stuck a brilliant orange rose into a hole in the skull.  We placed one more pink rose in the folds on the table.

Sam used her pastel pencils and created a phenomenal coloured sketch.  (I’d love to show you, but her photos are still on her camera!)

I used a soft 2B pencil and sketched mine.

We sat for several hours sketching.  Quietly we filled, blended and rubbed out highlights, and tweaked until the sketches were done.

I was happy. (smiling sigh)

Art does that to me!

Now … I need to think about my girl’s art appreciation lesson … and their reluctance to draw the skull.  Will they sketch it? Will they give it a try? Do they even need to?

(I’ll let you all know once we start our new semester.)

How do your children feel about looking at or drawing skulls? Feel free to share or comment.


15 thoughts on “My O’Keeffe Skull & Roses

  1. Pingback: Inspiration from the Greats: Women Artists | Brain Popcorn

  2. Love that you enjoy art so much. I can’t say I’ve sketched anything for hours. I’m always helping the kids ~ maybe one day I’ll give it a try for myself though.


  3. Pingback: Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival – Summer Flowers Edition! | Epi Kardia Blog

  4. Nadene, what a great illustration! I really miss drawing,although I do draw occasionally when my children do. I just need to work on mine a little longer, rather than letting their interest (or sometimes, lack thereof) determine the time I spend! You are talented! Thanks for sharing; I’m inspired. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Georgia O’Keeffe Quotes | Practical Pages

  6. I really love Georgia O’Keeffe as well. But, I must say that drawing the skull looks a bit like drawing a rock and is definitely a more advanced subject….I can just see you and your friend sitting and sketching with no awareness of time.

    Just keep at it. It will come or your girls will find another outlet for their creativity.


  7. This is a great example of fulfilling your passions, teaching your children and then letting it go. They will either embrace it or not. I often have to remind myself, that my child will still learn things purely by just observing. I also have to remind myself that her interests don’t always match mine. I love what you created with the skull and the pencil drawing is amazing. They may choose to draw something similar that resonates with them. Who knows, they may surprise you with skulls and roses. I love your blogs – they give me much food for thought.


    • @Kym,thank you for your encouraging comments, I so appreciate your wisdom. I seem to live in hope and grace towards my children, rather than by schedule and structure in the fine art arena of our homeschooling these days.


  8. Fantastic! I just love Georgia O’Keefe what a brilliant idea – if you have can get hold of all the goodies- whould you mind if we also try to sketch and paint your photo?


  9. Hi Nadene! We’re having an “art” summer here in NYC. All of us are taking online drawing lessons, and my son and I have just started a watercolor and drawing class. Our Summer science class will have a cows skull next week, and we are going to take a photo and sketch at home. Thanks for the inspiration.! I love Georgia O’Keefe and am excited to hare with my family.


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