
Another “What Works!” Post ~ 

After more than 14 years of homeschooling I have found that despite all the ups and downs, fears and failures, tempers and tantrums, (yes … we had had all of these!)  it is only a success if you persevere.

Simply stick to the goal … work around and through the glitches … and keep on going … all the way.

“Do a Dory” (from Nemo) andjust keep swimming … just keep swimming…”

Homeschooling is our choice that has never been “cast in stone“, but it did require a flint head at times.

There have been years when it was a slog and we just “did school”.  Sometimes it was simply easier to keep going and maintain a forward momentum, rather than stop and start.  Just by doing read alouds, we did our school work when everything threatened to fall apart.  Reading aloud was the glue that held us together!  Other times we just did our disciplined studies; short, sweet little 3R lessons, then abandoned the books for time outdoors and nature study or a leisurely art appreciation lesson … thank you, Charlotte Mason!

There were seasons when my young teens were unmotivated and unwilling.  Some of my Charlotte Mason subjects became “boring” and my teen kids refused to do them, I felt like a failure.  Their choice to move to textbook approach made school dry and dead.  But we kept on.

Worse, we used a curriculum provider for high school that did not provide, but with no other real options, we had to make it work. Impak Education became my “means to an end”.  Boy, did I learn about perseverance!  They did not post my eldest daughter’s books, then “lost” her study materials and portfolios in the post.  When they finally emailed me the files, which I then still had to print, we were far behind schedule. I had to pray hard for a strategy to fit 25 portfolio assignments into 2 weeks … and not lose my head!

No feedback was given … for anything.  We couriered away huge portfolio assignments and never heard a word.  Nothing. The curriculum provider did not mark a very important final assignment and after about 15 emails and desperate calls, I think, hope, pray that the portfolio was re-marked.  I felt like we were flying in the dark. Blind.  My daughter wanted to give up, but I held the goal in mind and we persevered.                                                      

When I prayed to the Lord in desperation one day, I clearly imagined what the end of my eldest daughter’s homeschool would look like.  I saw her standing with me, with the blue-green sea gently rolling behind, and her long viscose dress and loose hair waving in the summer breeze.  We were clinking our champagne glasses together in a toast.  She was thanking me and I was congratulating her.  Although it was winter when I had this vision, it warmed my heart and I shared it with her.  Somehow, this goal kept us going.

Just a few weeks ago, after her final exam, our family surprised her with a celebratory lunch at our favourite beach-side restaurant and toasted her success with pink champagne!

This week we will receive my eldest daughter’s matric results!

Many homeschool moms swap, abandon and doubt their packages. Many moms watch as teenagers leave homeschooling in favour of public schools, and they secretly, deep down, doubt their decisions.

Your homeschool journey may take its twists and turns, it may have a few delays, punctured wheels and unplanned detours, but if you keep going, you will reach your destination

While it is complex, sticking to your homeschool goals may require desperate perseverance.

All I can say for my experience is that it is truly worthwhile, because these decisions are important.

In the end I gratefully praise God and say,

“Thank you Lord.  It has been a privilege to be on this journey!”

Blessings as you persevere into 2014.

Much grace,

21 thoughts on “Perseverance

  1. Yes, thank you! I just finished my devos and prayers crying out to God for help to do this right, because right now it all seems so hard, waking them, pushing them to get to a place where we can actually have the right mind to do school. Sometimes it feels like pulling an elephant through the door and I cry out, where’s that love of learning that CM talked about. But HSing with CM is THE right choice for us and the LORD knew I needed to hear your words this morning. Thank you dear sister in Christ!


  2. Pingback: Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: Physical Training | Letters from Nebby

  3. Hello Nadine

    My name is Claudine and have been following your blog for the past year. I have never commented before for various reasons – and I love all your posts – I often go back to them I just want to say thanks for writing the blog and sharing your journey, it has encouraged us to keep going

    This post could not have come at a better time and I so needed it as I begin 2014 a huge thanks and you follow God Regards Claudine


  4. Nadine
    As always, your words are inspiring, full of wisdom and my eyes full of tears! By now you should have the results…May your eyes be full of tears of joy!
    All the best to you and your daughter as well.


    • @Herculeen, thank you for your kind words! Yes, today we received her results! She passed with an university entrance and did very well. We are all so proud of her!


  5. Baie geluk Nadene dat jul klaar is met jul oudste! Geluk vir haar ook! Wow! Dankie vir die blog oor perseverence. Ek gaan hom weer lees as donge swaar gaan. Vandag is ons eerste dag vor homeschooling! My oudste dogter is 6 en ons begin Graad 1. 🙂 ek sien uit om die avontuur aan te pak. Waardeer al die werk wat jy on gesit het, nie net vir jou eie kinders nie, maar vir ander mammas wie by jou kan leer.

    Vriendelike groete



  6. That was so encouraging to hear especially when you stated we just did school. We try to fit it all in but there are days when you just do school just to get by! Thanks for these posts, they give hope to the rest of us!


  7. Thank you. Your words are an encouragement to me. As I enjoy using text books but also love the idea of “free” learning. *smile* We have been known to use both and when my mom asks me when we will enroll them in school it’s like nails on a chalk board or a rock on glass. It’s a nasty horrible feeling and I feel there is a deep and wide chasm between my mom and me. It breaks my heart that she doesn’t see the blessings the Lord is bestowing upon our family along the path of homeschooling. This makes other homeschool mom’s words of encouragemnt mean even more to my heart. So, Thank you. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!


    • @Blessings, Oh, I can so identify! May you stand strong in your convictions about how the Lord leads you to raise your children and may His favour and blessing be so evident that you will not have to defend yourself or your decision to homeschool.
      His “Yes” in our hearts is enough! Trust Him and do your best, and leave the results to Him. He is more than able to exceed your highest expectations, hopes and dreams!


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