What our typical school day looks like

At Simple Homeschool.net, we are sharing our typical homeschool day.


Over the past 12 homeschooling years, we ease into our schedule and gently find the rhythm of each day.

I like to think a daily routine is like creating a tapestry.

Tapestry weaving

Image via Wikipedia

This is what a typical day in our lives looks like:

I start the day an hour before the children with tea and quiet time.  I put on the coffee, put in the first load of washing and get the fresh bread out the oven.  Then I wake the girls at about 7am.

Usually, we complete morning chores, eat our breakfast at about 8am and hang up the first load of washing.

Generally, we start school at 9am.

My 16-year-old starts her Grade 10 course:

  • We work our her schedule for the week and put up a timetable.
  • She likes to stick to her schedule and works in her own space on her own the morning after chores.
  • After lunch, I tutor her on Maths and Physical Science for an hour each.
  • After her one-on-one time with me, she continues other subjects and reading until about 4pm.
  • She joins her younger sisters for a swim at the dam, folds laundry and helps prepare dinner.
  • Evenings after supper are free.  Lights are usually out by about 9:30pm.

My 11-year-old and my 8-year-old’s schedule:

  • We start with our Bible time together for about half an hour.
  • Each child works on their own spelling, Language Arts, dictations, copywork and Maths. These lessons are short – about 15 minutes each, with Maths lasting about 20 minutes.
  • I listen to my 8-year-old read aloud to me, say 15 minutes.
  • We have tea and a snack, and the girls let off some steam outside for about 10 minutes on the trampoline or riding their bikes, skipping or swinging.  They help me hang the 2nd load of washing.
  • Now its time for Core.  I read aloud and they write (or dictate and then copy) their narrations.  Often we do narrations in lapbooks or on notebooking pages.
  • Perhaps we’ll do narration as a hands-on activity.  They love to build models or make finger puppets and give a quick show.
  • We are done by lunchtime.
  • We do Sketch Tuesday or crafts or our nature walk one afternoon in the week.
  • Then it is time for free play outside till late afternoon.
  • They help fold laundry, do early evening chores, help prepare dinner, mix the next day’s bread and tidy their rooms and then bath.
  • After supper, once the girls clear the dishes and clean the kitchen, we play a family game, watch a DVD or play or read or chat quietly till bedtime at 8pm – 8:30pm.

Evening times are my low-energy times.  I need the children to be in their rooms by about 9pm.  I read to my younger kids in bed, we whisper and chat and pray together and then lights out.  My 11-year-old always reads afterwards for about half an hour.

Some nights I have a good chat with my 16-year-old.  She may tell me deep and wonderful things or we have a lovely mother-daughter time.  She also loves to read at night.

I tidy the living room and kitchen counters and sink.

Then, finally, I spend time with my farmer hubby who has worked hard outside most the day.  Shower, read … and then sleep.  Ah!

Routines form the simple pattern in a tapestry.

Shared mealtimes, hard work, simple chores and free time together create the bright and beautiful designs.

There are the days where the threads fray.

The fabric unravels.

Simple days weave the fabric.

Fun times shared embellish the design.


May your schooling days create a wonderful tapestry!


10 thoughts on “What our typical school day looks like

  1. Hi Nadine, I have been enjoying your blog. sounds like you & your children really have fun with your homeschooling. I would like to become blogger pals with you so I am going to add yu to my friend’s list.


  2. Wonderful post today. I’m actually meeting with a homeschooling friend today to go over my schedule once again. I’ve been homeschooling for 4 years and I find that sometimes life gets in the way of the schedule and its so hard to get back to it. Your post today was an inspiration to get my own stuff back in order. Thanks! 🙂


  3. 20 minutes on Math….oh, how I wish we could do that! Can you explain *how* you do that. I totally believe in short lessons and use them in many ways in our homeschool but I’ve never accomplished this with math. Thanks for any tips!

    Your home life sounds lovely! Thanks for sharing


  4. What a lovely analogy the tapestry is! Thanks for sharing your day. Ours is similar except that we’re all prone to walking from one room to another and then wondering why we went in there, which does tend to eat up some school time. 🙂


  5. Wow, Nadene! It sounds like you are a very organised home-schooling Mom. I was just curious about how you teach your younger two children in that they work on subjects for short periods like 15 or 20 min sessions. I have done the opposite and dedicated each day to two subjects at a time because they take a while to get into each subject. Do you find the shorter segments work better? Does it keep your children interested? How do you help them focus on each subject as they change often?


    • @Kathleen, we follow Ms. Mason’s principles for short lessons done as well as possible. I find they do stay motivated to do their work well and the seat work doesn’t drag on all morning. We work in files and all their notebook pages are in one place, so we flow quickly from subject to subject. The kids do most spelling practice & drill work on whiteboards and the young kids do their handwriting lessons on a laminated chart – quick and easy! The only workbooks we use are our Singapore Maths books and these lessons take longer.
      There is no reason to change your longer lessons if your children enjoy them, stay focused and do their work excellently.


  6. I love this posting Nadine! You did a beautiful job of sharing your day to day here!
    Thanks for your little note on my blog too! You’ve inspired me to do more with it!


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