Day, Week, Month, Season and Weather Chart with Rotating Circles

A simple, practical idea for junior primary children ~ A Day, Week, Month, Season and Weather Chart

An A4 all-in-1 chart

Here’s the chart I made with rotating circles instead of the little bits and bobs that one sticks on the chart. We used this when we were travelling a lot and I needed a 1 page-does-it-all-in-one type chart. My child just checks the date and places the little yellow circle over the correct number, moves the circles behind the chart to show the correct day of the week, season, weather and temperature, and slides the bar to show the correct month. This chart maybe placed in your child’s file or added to your junior mini office!

  1. First download the 4 page pdf. file ~ Day_Week_Month_Season chart
  2. Then cut out all the windows on the chart, the season, weather, temperature, days of the week and date circles and the sliding month bar.
  3. Laminate the chart and all the circles and sliding month bars.
  4. Pierce the holes for the split pins or brads as indicated with black dots.
  5. Assemble the circles at the back of the chart as per instructions.  (The month sliding window bar is a little more tricky, but I hope the photos will help.)  Stick the little circle to highlight the date with prestick on the front of the chart.

The chart and circles cut out and laminated

Attach the 2 cardboard strips at the top and bottom of the month column with clear packaging tape. Insert the window bar from the front through the slits and wrap it around the strips and stick ends together at the back.

The back of the chart with all the circles attached

It is really worth laminating this chart when you make it!  We have used our chart for over 3 years and it is still as good as new!

15 thoughts on “Day, Week, Month, Season and Weather Chart with Rotating Circles

  1. Pingback: One-Page Calendar Chart | Practical Pages

  2. Pingback: Nursery | Zera Daily Lessons

  3. Pingback: Kinder 1 | Zera Daily Lessons

  4. This is going to be so awesome for my daughter starting preschool this fall. I see me tweaking it to have both English AND French, and a wardrobe suggestion for weather – she still likes her winter boots in summer, and wants to do out w/ barefeet in the snow. Thank you, 3.5yrs later 🙂


  5. Thanks so much for sharing. I was debating on what to make to make sure I covered my bases, and this is perfect. Military (soon to be)Homeschool mom+moves=need for small compact things that pack a punch.


  6. This is nothing short of awesome – Thank you!!!! I was looking for something clever to do with my 5th & 6th grade Spanish classes & this is it!!!! I will send you some pics when I am done…


  7. Thank you so much for this wonderful idea. I’ve already printed it up and can’t wait to get it all put together. One question though, what is prestick?


    • Prestick is a South African product which is sticky-stuff which can be re-used … I don’t know the American product similar to it! [smile]


  8. Hello! I love this idea but I have on question….After it’s all put together with the circles and such as you supposed to laminate it again? I don’t know if the brads would fit through my laminator. Do the wheels and sliders still work?

    Thank you,


      • Thank you Nadine, that is what I was thinking but was confused when the very bottom of the post said “Laminate this” so I thought you had laminated it all again but I knew the moveable parts wouldn’t move LOL thank you for clearing this up for me. I can’t wait to add this to our school day!


    • The rows and columns of green numbers indicate the date. Just stick the little yellow circle over the correct date and move it along each day.


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