Planning an Eclectic Homeschool Program

This year I put together my very first eclectic curriculum for my junior and middle school girls!

I thought, in my first 2 years of homeschooling,  that it was better to buy professional curriculums with all the books, bells and whistles, but as I re-used my bought curriculums more as guidelines (and not as strict schedules) I could see that it would be wonderful to tailor-make each child’s preferences and put together my own eclectic curriculums. I began to pray and the Lord led me and provided me with materials.  Much of my curriculum is FREE from the Internet and free downloads, notebook pages and free lapbooks will make up the core of the work! 🙂

I’d like to share the processes and steps I took to plan the year and then the weeks plans and I freely share the free organizers and planners that I made.  Feel free to download and change anything and ignore what will NOT work for you, or be encouraged to take these first baby steps ~ yes ~ YOU can also put together your own eclectic homeschool curriculum!

First I used the wonderful “Home Centred Learning Methods” model from “The WholeHearted Child Home Education Handbook by Clay and Sally Clarkson. This page provides a bird’s-eye view of all the subjects and skills needed to provide a full, balanced and holistic education. (Read the review on my Book List) and created my overview plan.  You can download the blank page ~ link below. I noted in all the books and printouts I had on hand or found online for each subject and jotted them in the spaces.  This planner inspired every subject, books, downloads, programs, skills, hobbies and creative ideas.

From this I created my 2010 Year Plan (Download pdf: 2010 Year Plan Blank)  I used this to decide on daily, weekly or monthly work and what skills and activities we would use.Then, I broke the year into a 36 Week Overview (Download pdf: 36 Week Overview) and split the work into the weeks for the year.  This became my master plan, but it will be flexible – I don’t REALLY know how long some work may take or if we decide to spend more time on something.  It is not a schedule to be followed, but a guideline! [sigh of relief …]

With the overview, I created 2010 Weekly Timetable for the year. (Download pdf: 2010 Weekly Timetable) I filled in the work we need to cover for each week and record and comment on the work we complete.  This becomes my record of work.

Finally I created a Daily Timetable. (Download pdf: Week Timetable1) I laminated and placed each girl’s timetable in their work file for reference.

So ~ there it is!  hope this helps you to ‘ take the plunge’  and use all the curriculum materials lying around your shelves  waiting for another year.  GO FOR IT ~ create your own curriculum package!

Subject References ~

  • Bible: Picture This! and Bible Reading  and Hymn Schedule from
  • Maths: Singapore Maths
  • Reading, Language Art & Writing:
  • Poetry: Classic Poems for the Literacy Hour THE WORKS 7 by Brian Moses ISBN: 978-0-330-44424
  • Science: Exploring Creation Zoology 1 &2 Jeannie Fulbright Apologia Science (with free notebook pages from her site and a lapbook bought at
  • History: Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder (with free lapbooks from
  • Geography: K-2 Maps! by
  • Art: Impressionist Painters by Guy Jennings ISBN: 0-7537-1073-0 and further sites found on
  • Music: Schedule for composer studies and their music from
  • Crafts, Needlework and Sewing: The Encyclopaedia of Two-Hour Craft Projects by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc ISBN: 0-49725-51137-8
  • Typing: Typing Tutor or similar online program
  • Thinking Skills: Brain Gym for all, Audiblox and other similar books and activities

2 thoughts on “Planning an Eclectic Homeschool Program

  1. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I’d like to see how you fill out the 2010 Weekly Timetable.

    I’m going to subscribe so, hopefully, I’ll know if and when it is posted.

    This will be the first FULL year that I will be homeschooling my two boys. I pulled them out of public school mid-year last year. any help with organization is a MAJOR plus!!



  2. I love how easy you make this seem! I have been homeschooling my 2 for 4 years and have always used a pre-made up curriculum until this year. This year has seemed so unorganized but with this layout you use, I think I can do this AND feel organized! Thank you for putting this together and allowing us to glean from your wisdom.
    May God richly bless you and your family!!


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