History Timeline – Our wallchart at the end of the year


Timeline wall chart

Our timeline wall chart is almost full!  As we end this school year here in South Africa, our timeline figures are all on the chart  and our studies are nearly complete.

This year (Sonlight World History 1&2) we made a wall chart and used our Sonlight timeline figures.  The wall chart worked well, giving us a full overview, but it became crowded in places. Previously, we used a continuous scroll pasted above and around the room!  This also gave a great overview and we expanded sections for more detailed studies.  It gave insights to the periods of great changes in history ~clusters of discovery and inventions!


History timeline notebook

With our Footprints On Our Land we used the Footprint’s Through the Century Notebook and this was compact and offered space for notes and drawings. It went with us as we travelled and was easy to use.

When we took the figures down, we play games and use our timeline figures for  review:

  • group the figures according to categories (discoverers, artists, Bible characters)
  • quiz – give 2 facts for each figure
  • arrange 3/5 figures in time order

Colour-coded timeline figures

I also have the Sonlight kindergarten Timeline figures which I outlined in pink (the same colour as the book tag covers for that year). This way I know which figures belong to which curriculum.

I sorted the figures for the year and paper clipped the groups for each century.  I placed these bundles in a little ziplock bag and stored them near our files.  In previous years, I clipped each figure to my weekly schedule page. (Boy! I was super-organized back then!) 🙂

As you end 2009, I trust that you can see the wonderful, full journey you and your children have covered so far!  God Bless!

14 thoughts on “History Timeline – Our wallchart at the end of the year

  1. Pingback: Updated Book of Centuries to 2029 | Practical Pages

  2. Pingback: Practical Tip Book of Centuries for mom and kids | Practical Pages

  3. Pingback: Mom’s Book of Centuries Record of Work | Practical Pages

  4. Hi,
    We are starting our first year of “official” homeschooling and have looked into Sonlight. Have you enjoyed their curriculum? If anyone wants to tell me where to begin, so my head can stop spinning I would be forever grateful, LOL!


    • @Michelle, We have loved Sonlight! They provide the most amazing books and these remain my children’s favorite books in our library. If you can put several children on the same core you will save yourself a lot of money (as it is a fairly expensive curriculum) and stress (with lots of read alouds). Also, I always recommend you relax and stretch out the schedule to allow for fun hands-on activities and interest-led side paths. Lastly, pray. I know that this sounds trite, but I have found the Lord’s peace this way. Blessings!


  5. Hi there! I am trying to figure out how you set up this particular timeline chart you have pictured. I don’t have a lot of room (or the desire:-) to do a huge one that wraps around the room and I like the way you have this one condensed onto a smaller space. Could you give a bit of detail on how you put this chart together and maybe some more pics of it if you have the opportunity? My kids are 9, 6, and 4 and I am not sure which type of wall chart would be best. Thank you SOOOOOOO much for all of your hard work and sharing! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!!!!


    • @Tammie, I made my own timeline on the back of a large world map. Actually, I’ve done 2 – one with zigzag lines across going back and forth to the bottom, but my kids found reading the dates from right to left confusing, so I made a new simpler timeline with straight lines across for each century. When we studied ancient history we needed a long timeline going back to 100BC, but when we studied American history, I started well into AD. Hope this helps till I can post some more photos.


      • That does help! Thanks! It seems simpler to have the timeline in rows versus all the way around the room. I think I need a week to sit down and just read everything you have ever posted! you have so many great ideas and insights! Thanks again!


  6. Pingback: Closure and Review of our Year | Practical Pages

  7. Pingback: Frugal Timeline Book « Practical Pages

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