Letter 10 – Come To Pass

Letter to myselfHere’s the next letter my series ~ “Letter To Mewhere I encourage myself (and, hopefully, other new homeschoolers)  with what I wish I had known when I started out on our homeschooling journey ~

Dear Nadene,

When you feel that things are too difficult, repeat this mantra, “This too shall come to pass” …

Those sleepless nights with a new baby …“This too shall come to pass.” 

Those busy toddler days of upheaval and mess ….“This too shall come to pass.” 

Dreadful delays while toddler battles to  “do it myself” … “This too shall come to pass.” 

Special foods for mealtimes … “This too shall come to pass.”

Early bathtimes and bedtimes … “This too shall come to pass.”

The crying child afraid of ( ___ ) … “This too shall come to pass.” 

Handwriting struggles, hating Maths and halting reading … “This too shall come to pass.”

Spelling stresses, writing distresses, recitation protests … “This too shall come to pass.”

Refusals, rejections, wretched moods swings… “This too shall come to pass.”

Teen scenes of distractions and avoidance … “This too shall come to pass.”

High school tensions, subject choices and final exams … “This too shall come to pass.” 

Fears for the future, career choices and graduations … “This too shall come to pass.” 

Nadene, all too soon, your baby is grown up and moving outwards and onwards.  Your homeschooling job seems short, and what seems impossible, improbable, even insurmountable will all shrink into the right perspective if you can remember, “This too shall come to pass.” 

Take it from someone who has come all the way through to the end, the Lord is faithful, He will never fail and He is good all the time.

With hindsight blessings,


I’d love to hear your views and thoughts on this topic!  Please would you share yours in the comments?

In case you missed any of my previous “Letters To Me” in this series:

3 thoughts on “Letter 10 – Come To Pass

  1. I’m still well within many of these struggles with my 7 & 9 year old boys. Thank you for your great encouragement! I appreciate all you share here on your blog.


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