An Accident

Although I tend to share only a “peep” into our homeschooling here at Practical Pages, and do not expose all the personal details of our lives, I really appreciate your cyber-friendship and your love, encouragement and support and want to share a little of our (my) current reality ~

Last week Wednesday evening I was quite badly burnt.

There was an accident in my kitchen where a large bottle of methylated spirits my hubby was using caught alight.

My attempts to cover the flames on the floor with a blanket somehow caused some flaming meth to shoot out onto my leg and I now have 2nd and 3rd degree burns from around my ankle to just under my knee.

I am sitting, dressed and working from my bed and homeschool has moved to my bedroom.

My youngest was really happy to snuggle under the blankets and do her schoolwork with me.  My laptop is a wonderful tool, with all our hymns, audio books and pictures to view and discuss.  It is actually really quite snug and cosy.

Nature study has been from my bedroom window.

But yesterday was really rough.

It was my first wound care treatment.

I was quite unprepared for the pain and the trauma involved in removing the dressings.  Pain management is an ongoing problem.  And I have realized that this is a slow process to recovery.  Areas on my leg may require skin grafts.  Please pray.

Today there is no school.

I am so grateful that we homeschool.

That we can take time off,

take things slow,

leave out the unnecessary,

and focus on the important.

Life is teaching me right now.

And I seem to be a slow learner.

I still need to find out what these life lessons are all about.

Blessings and thank you for reading,

85 thoughts on “An Accident

  1. Pingback: First Aid Course | Practical Pages

  2. Sorry this is so late!
    My prayers are with you! I too have experienced bad burns, so I know how you feel! I’m glad the LORD has given you the strength to continue! I have added you to my children’s prayers also – we will all pray for your healing!

    Prayers and blessings



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  5. The name and author of the book I mentioned earlier is Comfort for the Burned and Wounded by John W. Keim. I also have a friend who was visiting friends of theirs when the two year old fell into a fire ring and burned his hands terribly – I saw pictures and the palms of his hands and fingers were solid thick white blisters and it was raw underneath where the blisters were coming off. . They held his hands in ice water for a long time – maybe an hour, then softened plantain leaves from their yard by dipping them in boiling water. when these were cooled they wrapped the burns with these and some of my friend’s “weed juice” which is plantain and comfrey steeped in olive oil. I also add yarrow and calendula to my salves (and sometimes lavender essential oil) and add a bit of beeswax for thickening. They wrapped each finger individually with plantain leaves so they wouldn’t heal together. They wrapped all this in nonstick guaze afterward They changed this dressing daily. I saw pictures of his hands just a few weeks later and you couldn’t really tell he had been burned! I was amazed!! I guess the plantain keeps the dressing from sticking and also helps keep infection down. Hope this helps. Patti


  6. I am praying for you!!! I have been burned on my face (total miraculous healing from God in that area though!!! Praise Him!) and know the pain involved! I pray for full healing, quick healing and that your family would be blessed through this trial! God Bless!


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  8. Nadene, I’ve been visiting g your blog over the last year, although I rarely comment. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am to hear about your injury, and I will be praying for your recovery.


  9. Nadene, I am so sorry about what happened to you. It is interesting how we learn the Lessons meant for our growth. I will pray for a sense of peace in your pain. May you heal well and thoroughly. Rest Well and press on sweet lady.


    • Another way for Him to show you the “Fruits” of you Labour here on earth, when you see all the responses to your pain. He wants you to know how you impact so many and what a blessing you have been to so many! I am grateful to have found your blog too and your diligence with it! I hand out your Armor of God picture to everyone. 🙂


  10. Pingback: Collage Friday: Our First Week of Hybrid Homeschool | On Planting Seeds…

  11. Dear Nadene

    We will be praying for you! It is great that you are concerned not to miss the lessons in this experience. Be strong and hope your pain is under control.

    Have meant to write to you many a time – we have LOVED your paper dolls. I have found much encouragement and inspiration in your blog. I know the Lord will honour your sharing heart.

    Much love
    Lydia in New Zealand


  12. I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your need, so that our prayers can bless you as you continually bless all of us. Desiree’


  13. I’ve added you to our church’s prayer chain here in Alaska – you have folks praying for you all around the world! Be lifted up!


  14. I am so sorry to hear about your accident, but I know our God is the Great Healer and I pray for a miraculous recovery for you. I had second degree burns on my face and neck from a kitchen accident as a teen, but through the grace of God I was fully recovered within a couple of weeks. I pray that you receive the same miracle, and in the waiting you have peace and comfort. I pray that your pain decrease and your wound care would go easier today. Blessings, sweet lady.


  15. Praying for a speedy recovery but also that you learn the lessons that the Lord is teaching you. It is difficult to stop what we are doing sometimes and listen……I think accidents force us to……


  16. Dear Nadene, I am thinking of you in your discomfort and pain, will carry you in my prayers and believe a speedy recovery for you, time off is not such a bad thing especially for a homeschooling mom – just know that the Lord has given you all you need to cope with this. Blessings


  17. We know that all things work together for good – I’ll pray for a speedy recovery, no infection & that you will be refreshed during the whole process, Nadene.
    Best regards!


  18. I’m so sorry to hear of your pain and suffering! I’ve prayed for you to heal quickly, to manage the pain and to enjoy the things you can do from your bed. I hope you do not need any on going surgeries and can get back to “normal” as soon as possible. Hugs for healing!


  19. Sorry to hear about the accident and burns. I appreciate your telling us so that we can be in prayer for you and your family. Praying for God’s presence, power, and peace to be made manifest in the days ahead.


  20. I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I pray that you will heal soon. May the Lord comfort you and give you strength through this trial. I didn’t read all the comments, but I guess some ladies had recommended you something. I read once that raw honey does wonders with burns.


  21. Hi Nadene, Our prayers are with you for your speedy recovery & pain management! What a blessing to be able to have the loving “snuggles” of your kids as you are able to school from your bed! You are an inspiration! Not sure how I found you, but I really appreciate & enjoy your newsletters. My favorite was about what a blessing it is to homeschool! This is our first year with our almost 8 year old daughter and it is a true learning experience for all of us,…. talk about personal growth!!! From what I gather, you live on a farm and I’m sure are able to eat tons of fresh fruits and veggies to help support your nutrition and speed your healing & recovery! I have no idea if you’d be interested, but my heart wanted to share with you a way to get even more of those awesome, God given, nutrients into our bodies. Our family has been blessed with Juice Plus, the whole food nutrition of fruits, veggies & berries in capsules or gummie form and we wouldn’t be a day without them! Our company is all about sharing good health with education and research on the power of whole food nutrition! If you have an interest to check it out, our website is We even have a program where if your kids want to participate in a worldwide study, they can receive their Juice Plus at no cost, with a participating adult. It’s amazing, and knowing what our worldwide research has proven, I felt drawn to share with you! Our hearts go out to you! Sincerely, Cheryl


  22. Dear Nadene,

    Though we have not met, you have touched my life with your gentle wisdom. We are praying for you here in Australia.



  23. I am praying for the healing of your injury. I am a fellow home schooler and I am a Burn Tech who does burn/wound treatments in a major Burn Trauma Unit and understand that pain and trauma you are experiencing and the long road ahead. May God bless you and I pray that your pain will be controlled and that each day may get better. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to email me.


    • Dear Nadene,

      We are praying for you. May this time of walking the road to recovery be filled with the presence of the Lord as He carries you.
      x Julaine


  24. Nadane, bless you and your family. I understand that what you are going through is some of the most pain a person could ever have. I broke my back at age 19 in a skydiving accident, as the days and hours went on, I made up a saying that helped me get through that time. “Patience, patience, day by day for this to shall pass away.” Even at the age of 19, I knew this would pass and there would be a day I would continue on with my life. God always gives us the chance to grow closes to him, and this is one of those moments. Keep your chin up and know there are people praying for you and your sweet family, and that God knows of your suffering.


  25. Good Morning Nadene, I was sorry to read about your accident this week. From the comments you make at the end of your post, it sounds as if you are able to find the bright side in this unpleasant situation. I do hope that continues for you and that you have a steady recovery. Your blog reaches out to strangers around the globe. I have been enjoying your art from a distance and often find your comments on home school very uplifting. Thank you so much Nadene. Blessings to you and your family. Sincerely, homeschool mom of 4


  26. Dear Nadene, We have prayed for you and your family and will continue to lift you up to our Mighty God, the Great Physician. You are such an incredible woman and have allowed so much of God’s needed work to be done by your willing hands. You are giving so much to so many of us. May His healing and peace that passes all understanding surround you every day and every night. With much love to you and your family,
    Judy K. in the US.


  27. Dear Nadene,

    I’m really so sorry to hear about your accident. We are also praying for you, that you will feel the Lord’s nearness, and that you will experience Christ’s love for you in the service of others towards you. Please keep us posted with your recovery. I’m sure that others who go through similar interruptions will be greatly encouraged as they see from your example how to faithfully carry on.

    Much Love,


  28. I am so sorry this has happened to you. You and your family will be in our prayers and we pray the Lord will comfort you and them during this time of healing.


  29. Dear Nadene,

    I am so sorry to hear about your accident! You are a great inspiration to me as a homeschool teacher here in the United States. Thank you for taking the time to generously share your lessons with us. I know we are all wishing you a speedy and gentle recovery.

    I send all blessings to you and your beautiful family.

    Warm Regards,


  30. precious sister, Nadene
    May our wonderful Healer bring complete healing to your leg, may He graciously keep you from infection and may He give you abundant grace, courage and strength to endure the pain and continue to be a blessing to your family.
    Here in the US we will be praying for you.
    He is good, gracious and has compassion on you.
    Amy Rosa in US


  31. What are those spirits? I am not familiar with them. I am sorry you got burned so bad. Alovera is good for burns, my Momma used them on a neighbor gals foot one time and it healed up really fast (within weeks I think). I do hope you heal well and that you are up and around in no time. Be sure to heal propperly so as to not get an infection and get worse. It’s a blessing to home school and I hope yours continues to go smoothly, as smooth as it can while you are on bed rest. *smile* Remember to pray always. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!


  32. Hi from Kansas in the USA! I greatly enjoy your posts and excellent ideas for homeschooling to make it more enjoyable for our children. I am sorry for what has happened to your leg! I am praying that God gives you the strength, wisdom, peace, and comfort that only He can give and you will feel his presence very near these next few weeks!


  33. Nadene,
    Just want you to know I am praying that for a reduction in pain and an uncomplicated recovery. Praying also for wisdom for your caregivers and gentleness as they work on your wounds.


  34. Dear Nadene, how awful to hear that you’ve been burned! Thank you for opening that “peep” a bit more, and blessing me and my family with the opportunity to pray for you and your family. Praying for God’s healing, comfort, and blessings over you all as He works in and through you. Julie


  35. Ah what a horrible accident, I too had a serious burn on my hand years ago, so I feel your pain..I pray that you will heal quickly. Praise God that you are at home and can rest and heal. Sending lovexxxxxxx


  36. So sorry to hear about the accident Nadene! We are praying and trusting God for a quick healing and that the pain will go in Jesus name. Your blog is always so amazing and encouraging and helpful, please know that we are standing with you in prayer.


  37. Dear Nadene – I’ve been following your blog for some months now and you have come to feel like a friend even though we’ve never met. I am truly sorry to hear about your burn!! I can’t imagine the pain. My husband drove some Amish people to a burn seminar last year and got to sit in for free – one of the things that was recommended to use is burdock leaves coated with a homemade herbal salve. The burdock leaves don’t dry out like a normal bandage and also don’t putrify so they both keep infection down and are easier to remove when it is time to change dressings. I don’t know what plants you have there in South Africa if Burdock grows there or not. If you want more information I would be happy to get the name of the book by the man who gave the seminar. He has actually been asked to help in his local burn units now because his ideas are so successful – lots less pain and scarring. May the LORD bring you healing and carry you through each day in the process. Patti


    • Nadene,
      praying for your complete, speedy healing with no infection and that the Lord will help you through this learning process in this trial.
      I’ve been enjoying your art lessons and homeschool adventures
      as well as learning a little about S. Africa along the way for some
      months now.I downloaded and printed the page with “eight little words you might need today” and posted it on our bathroom mirror for a few days. Good reminder!

      Pati, Please tell the name of the man and the book you mentioned. Thank you!


  38. Hi Nadene
    I am so sorry to hear about your accident. It has made me realise how thankful we need to be, every day, for the blessings of health and strength. I’ll be praying for you during this difficult time.


  39. I am soo sorry to hear about your troubles… that sound so painful. Just wanted you to know I prayed for you this morning while on your blog and I will add you to my prayer book as well. Keep us updated every so often.


  40. Hi Nadene. Thank you for sharing such a personal thing and I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. The Lord touch you with such miraculous healing that you will be awed by it!


  41. Must be a lesson commonly needed this week. So many things I am thinking through and needing to revamp in homeschooling:). God give us the grace to learn what He would have us know.


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