Our 3-Dimensional Model of Little House in the Big Woods

The girls love to colour in while I read!

Garth Williams’ illustrations in The House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder are absolutely gorgeous.

With these details in mind I made this house model for the girls to colour in:

Little House with attic flap, door and window flaps

House interior as seen inside the door flap

Bedroom interior as seen through the window flap

Pumpkin box-fold and pasted against the floor and roof of the attic

Accordion-fold the hanging meat and food and paste this on to the roof corners

If you would like to try this with your children, click here to download the house exterior (page 1) and the interior, details and instructions (page 2) ~Little House 3D Model

Finished interiors of the Little House in the Big Woods

PS: I must confess that I coloured this one in ~ I just couldn’t wait for the girls … it was such fun … they will start theirs this week 🙂

27 thoughts on “Our 3-Dimensional Model of Little House in the Big Woods

  1. Pingback: Revisiting “Little House” and dress-up | Practical Pages

  2. Pingback: Fun Activities For Kids At Home | Practical Pages

  3. thank you so much for ths
    o have just begun homeschooling with my two kids, and i have laready used so many of your lapbooks and mini books
    you are an inspiration and your letters to myself bring tears to my eyes


    • @kelly, I am so glad that you have found some resources to inspire and encourage you as you begin your homeschooling. Take things slow and don’t try to do it all at once, but gently ease into your new routine. Blessings!


  4. Pingback: Letter 27 – Creativity | Practical Pages

  5. Pingback: Illustrated Narrations | Practical Pages

  6. Looks great but we cant fit the hanging food with the pop up pumpkins in the roof. Trying to assemble right now. We will be putting it in her lapbook. We are not sure how it folds down flat if it is in accordian also.


    • @Kathleen Hughes, so long since we made this, but the pumpkin is a box fold, with the base pasted to the floor and the other flap pasted on to the roof. The other food hangs off the roof with simple accordion folds, then the roof folds down over it. My kids designed some other ideas and they figured out their own versions. Whatever works is fine!


  7. Pingback: Using Little House on the Prairie in Your Homeschool | Free Homeschool Deals ©

  8. Pingback: All Things Little House on the Prairie… « Homeschool Share blog

  9. Pingback: The little house in the big woods | Imparare in piedi

  10. Just had surgery and wasn’t feeling up to doing much today in our Prairie Primer, somehow I stumbled on your site… now THIS was a fun thing to do while Mom is laid up. Thanks for sharing that! I think I might even blog the kids results and link back here! I can’t conceptualize how to create these things by myself. I rely on creative sorts like you! THANKS!


  11. Pingback: A Little House Notebook | Practical Pages

  12. This is absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. My girls are going to study “Little House in the Big Woods” this fall. I can’t wait to use this.


  13. I just have to say. I saw a link to this when randomly browsing squidoo a year ago. I am now doing Little House in the Big Woods with my kids and we are doing a lap book and some notebook pages. I stayed up till 1 am trying to find where I had seen your illustration to do with the kids!

    Thanks for sharing and God bless!


  14. I just love this ! I can’t wait to do it with my kids. Getting ready to study pioneers so this is perfect timing. I’ll have to print one off for myself, or like usual, I’ll be bugging my kids to let me “help” them with theirs! Thank you. It is beautiful!


  15. Hi,

    I bumped into your site and LOVE it! Thanks so much for offering so many great resources. I had a question about one post in particular. I was trying to download the 3-D model of the Little House in the Big Woods house and wasn’t able to. Is it still available?

    Thanks and I look forward to using your other resources in our homeschool!

    ~ Corinne


  16. I would like to homeschool my 5 year old (diagnosed with adhd), and heard of the Sonlight Program. I feel in the dark about how to start or where to look. Can you please help me?
    I love your blog.


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