10 Tips for 1st-Time Employees

Homeschooling is a journey.

When the kids are young you can take the slow lane,

drive out on to scenic routes,

stop and picnic along the way,

enjoy delight-directed studies,

go with the flow,

and follow the spark of interest.

But when one’s young adult is almost ready to leave home, one needs to look more carefully at the destination of homeschooling …

… what must my young adults have learnt?

I read an article in our local newspaper, The George Herald, and found their 10 Tips for 1st-Time Employees really interesting.

Image representing First Job as depicted in Cr...

They explained that most these tips were common sense, but are not being taught at school, nor, may I add, in most homes.

But many homeschoolers, however, are different.  Homeschooling promotes entrepreneurial  activities.  I know several families that run businesses from home.  And children who grow up on farms have valuable experience in working environments.  So, for them, it may all seem common sense.

If employers are looking for these qualities, then parents can tailor their character training and disciplines in this direction, before the young adult enters the workplace.

So here are the 10 common sense tips:

  1. Remember your manners.  Arrive on time, address superiors politely, dress appropriately.
  2. Learn your assigned task and do it well without your employer having to remind you.
  3. Take the initiative.  Don’t stand around waiting for another task.  Find something else to work on.
  4. Adapt to change.  Learn to work with a new boss/ manager.  Learn from personality clashes.
  5. Don’t call in sick unless you really are.  Build trust and be faithful.
  6. Watch your boss and do what he/ she does.  Make a point of focusing on what is important to him and apply the same approach and methods.
  7. Give good customer service.  Learn their names.  Be helpful and friendly. Don’t take rude customers personally.
  8. Ask for more responsibility.  Be willing to learn new things.
  9. Be prepared to take flak from your co-workers. When you do a good job, other co-workers may be jealous of your efforts and success.
  10. Whatever you do – do well.  Do whatever you do with enthusiasm and drive!  Make the best of every situation, no matter how insignificant the job may be.

I read this list with my 17-year-old and younger children.  It was good to have a “3rd party” lay out mature expectations and goals.

It led to some of these questions:

  • How are we doing at home?
  • Are we traveling in the right direction?
  • Will my school-leavers be an asset wherever they work?
  • Have we fostered a work ethic and established a character of excellence?
  • If certain behavior is not acceptable at work, why should it be so at home?
  • What do you think?  Add your ideas to the comments.


Carnival of Homeschooling
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9 thoughts on “10 Tips for 1st-Time Employees

  1. Pingback: Love Is… A Carnival of Homeschooling

  2. Pingback: 10 Tips for 1st-Time Employees | Homeschool HUB

  3. Great 10 Tips Nadene, the main thing that needs to be reinforced is that the work-attitude education starts home, in my opinion form the moment of birth.
    One cannot expect a child to – as an example I take tip #1 – remember manner IF THEY ARE NON-EXISTENT, if he or she hasn’t been taught manners at home.
    Dress appropriately? – How could they if their parents allowed them to go to school, even kindy, with crystal studs and rings in their belly button?
    We got a saying in Romania, the foundation of your whole life is laid on one’s “first 7 years spent at home”
    Great post.


  4. Great list – have to admit this has crossed my mind with my 17 year old son. He has a great work ethic but is opinionated (don’t know where that comes from) so humility has been a focus for us lately. Our Sonlight memory verse for the last weeks has been Philippians 2:5-11 which has helped. Jesus humbled Himself to become like man and had to obey the Boss 😉


  5. Always nice to have that “third party” agree with you. And when those expectations can be explained as having originated with God and that man is only agreeing with how God says to behave–even better. (Even though the majority of people today do not see their rules of decency as starting with God.)


  6. Dear Nadene: I found your article helpful. I have several grown children who have jobs and are doing well and are valued at their jobs but there is always more to learn. It was helpful to have the needed skills put into a list that I can assess and work on with our children who are still home. I agree that home school can be an ideal place for children to learn to be good employees but as with so many qualities we hope they will attain, it takes conscious effort and the help of God. Thanks for your good post.


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