Sketch Tuesday ~ Picnic & Camping

This week Miss. L10 and  I took half an hour or so to sketch and paint.

The theme ~ Camping

We took out our some of our  camp cooking supplies and

set up a still life on the table.

When we draw what we see,

really look at the details,

our sketches always seem



more detailed.

Compare these sketches to the quick pencil or marker sketches we did the last week ~

The topic ~ Picnic

Miss. L10’s sketch is full of detail and really lovely ideas all creatively displayed,

but mine is rushed, careless …

I suppose it could be a starting-point for something more …

Oh, well, just not enough time …

How are you doing with your weekly sketching?

See you at the next slideshow!


4 thoughts on “Sketch Tuesday ~ Picnic & Camping

  1. Pingback: Matisse Paper Cut-Outs | Practical Pages

    • @Shannon, You spotted the pond shaped like a fish! Wow! We used watercolors for our camping pictures and outlined the painting with black pen when dry. Thanks for your encouraging comments.


  2. I love them all…I don’t think every drawing needs to be complete, especially if it is to record a memory or to relax your mind. I just love getting into the drawing zone but like you I just don’t have enough time. 🙂

    Thanks so much for being a big part of Sketch Tuesday.


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