Maths Pyramids for Mental Maths Practice

Recently updated! Mental Maths practice is fun especially when you do your addition and subtraction up and down pyramids!  

How do these pyramids work?

  1. Add the 2 numbers next to each other in a row and write the answer in the circle above those 2 numbers.
  2. Add all neighbouring numbers in every row.
  3. Fill in the answers until the row above is full.
  4. Now add those numbers until you fill all the rows and reach the top of the pyramid.
  5. Where the numbers start at the top, subtract the number below it to find the missing ‘neighbouring’ number.


  • Some pyramids work from the bottom up – addition, while others work from the top down – subtraction. One pyramid involves several addition or subtraction sums per pyramid = lots of practice!
  • Each sheet has several pyramids = loads of practice.
  • There are 2 pages for each level = plenty of practice.
  • And we all know that Maths practice = mastery.
  • The next level has a higher number of values or more numbers in each row.
  • Place each sheet in a plastic protector and let your children use a dry wipe pen.

Here is your FREE 9-page download ~ 

Visit my Free Maths for more Maths pages such as Maths Rockets Butterflies, Flowers, In & Out for loads of fun practice!  Enjoy 🙂

Blessings, Nadene

  • Subscribe Click to receive all my new posts packed with practical tips, projects, plans, pages & art ideas by email
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Maths Pyramids for Mental Maths Practice

Mental Maths practice is fun especially when you do your addition and subtraction up and down pyramids!  Updated!

How do these pyramids work?

  1. Add the 2 numbers next to each other in a row and write the answer in the circle above those 2 numbers.
  2. Add all neighboring numbers in every row.
  3. Fill in the answers until the row above is full.
  4. Now add those numbers until you fill all the rows and reach the top of the pyramid.
  5. Where the numbers start at the top, subtract the number below it to find the missing ‘neighboring’ number.


  • Some pyramids work from the bottom up – addition , while others work from the top down – subtraction. One pyramid involves several addition or subtraction sums per pyramid = lots of practice!
  • Each sheet has several pyramids = loads of practice.
  • There are 2 pages for each level = plenty of practice.
  • And we all know that Maths practice = mastery.
  • The next level has higher number values or more numbers in each row.
  • Place each sheet in a plastic protector and let your children use a dry wipe pen.

Here is your FREE 9-page download ~ Maths Pyramids Worksheets and the answers ~ Maths Pyramid Answer Sheets (updated Oct18) 

Visit my Free Maths  for more Maths pages.  Enjoy 🙂

Blessings, Nadene

  • Subscribe Click to receive all my new posts packed with practical tips, projects, plans, pages & art ideas by email
  • Facebook Follow Practical Pages on Facebook

Make your own Mental Maths Practice Worksheets ~ Blank Templates

Do you want to make your own quick, fun maths worksheets?

If you visit my  Remedial Maths Activities Page you will find all the Mental Maths downloads.

View the original Mental Maths posts here  –

Mental Maths Practice ~ Fun Worksheets! and Maths Flowers for the photos and tips.

  • These downloads are in pdf file format and are great to just print and use.
  • Each set of worksheets has a blank template page.
  • I recommend that moms can print out about 10 blank templates and write in their own numbers that they want their children to practice.
  • Some moms place each page in plastic page protectors and use dry-wipe markers for quick and easy maths practice. They slip in a new page for the next practice.

I have had requests for these math templates in MS Word doc files so that moms can type in their own numbers for their own practices.

Microsoft Word

Image via Wikipedia

So, here are the blank Mental Maths templates:

How do I customize my blank template in MS Word?

  1. Download the Mental Maths Blank Template doc file
  2. Save it on your computer in your Homeschool/Maths file
  3. Now open this doc file
  4. Press Control + A to Select All (Everything will be highlighted. All the templates from this page will go on a hidden clipboard)
  5. Press Control + N to open a New Document
  6. Click on the new page
  7. Press Control + V and Paste (All the original templates will now go on to your new document.)
  8. Save and close the original (to reuse later.)
  9. Name and save your newly created blank templates with a new name (e.g.: homeschool/maths/multiples6)
  10. Now you can type in new numbers in the appropriate shapes.
  11. Click in the shape, and select a clear, large font, middle alignment
  12. If the shape does not allow text, right-click on the shape and select “Add Text” from the pop-up menu
  13. Save as you go.
  14. Print out the pages you have created
  15. Viola!  Your own mental maths practice worksheets

I hope this helps you! 🙂

As I am constantly creating more Practical Pages to add to our collection, please subscribe or click on my RSS feed under my Gravatar to receive notification of the latest posts.

Maths Flowers ~ More Mental Maths Worksheets

I have made these mental maths worksheets to add some variety to your previous Mental Maths downloads!

Maths Flowers

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These 13 pages of Maths Flowers include adding,subtraction, multiplication and division.

Each page is dedicated to one number concept;

+ 2, -2 or x2 and divide 2

3, or 4 or 5 x table

bonds of 10

and blank page for you to customize.

Here is your 13 page download ~ Maths Flowers

Please check for more Maths or Remedial downloads on Free Pages.

As I am constantly creating more Practical Pages to add to our collection, please subscribe or click on my RSS feed under my Gravatar to receive notification of the latest posts.

Mental Maths Practice ~ fun worksheets!

When a child practices mental maths – maths becomes quicker and simpler!

My girls look at their maths charts (Mini Office A5 Maths) too much, so I made some fun worksheets for practice. These worksheets reinforce adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with just a few minutes practice every day.

You can download these worksheets ~

Maths Rockets ~ for adding/ subtracting or multiplying numbers on the side to equal the number in the roof (great for bonds)

Maths Butterflies ~ 5 sums for each butterfly, so good for quick reviews

Maths Corners ~ 4 sums for each number, also a quick worksheet

Maths In&Out ~ top row of random numbers “in” to work with a number and operation, and write the answer as “out”

Maths Caterpillars ~ each caterpillar has random numbers or operations, from simple to complex

Maths Amazing Squares ~ brilliant for bonds to 10 ~ all rows add to 10, up, down  or sideways!

Maths Corners

Maths In & Out

Amazing Maths 10 Square

Maths Rockets

You can use these sheets as they are or ~

* cut out each section and let them do just one little fun exercise a day

* use a part of the page for pre-lesson reviews

* use the blanks pages to reinforce the numbers or operations you are working on

* focus on 1 operation or number exercise (all x 2 or +2 exercises)

* remedial work with number concepts or operations

With a little regular practice the number combinations or patterns start to “click”  ~ which is great for confidence and generates a positive maths attitude!

Let me know what you and your children think!