Summer Sketch Tuesday Ideas

While you all bask in your glorious Northern Hemisphere summer warmth …

and we shiver in our cold Klein Karoo winter…

there will be no official Sketch Tuesdays until 3 July 2012.

Sketch Tuesday Summer Break

As Barb suggested, I scribbled some themes on my calendar for each week so that we can continue our weekly sketch sessions until the slide shows return.

Just simple ideas.

A different theme for each week.

You could find topics from old Sketch Tuesday slide shows.

Or you may want to give these topics a try?


Because we love sketching.

We love the restful, creative moments of sketching or painting.

We enjoy the simple challenge of thinking up our own ideas for the topic.

We love capturing details from a simple still life.

We enjoy the half hour or so of quiet creative art.

We like applying new techniques and copying an artist’s methods.

We enjoy experimenting with new or different art mediums.

Here are out sketches for this week’s topic:

Sketch Something That Jumps

I realize that we might not do art each week unless some topics are written on the calendar, so here’s what I penciled in on mine:

  • Sketch something that jumps
  • Sketch something metal
  • Sketch something with fur
  • Sketch something you wear
  • Sketch something you’d find in the garage
  • Sketch something delicate

Enjoy your summer break ~ with or without Sketch Tuesday!


3 thoughts on “Summer Sketch Tuesday Ideas

  1. I’ve been REALLY enjoying your blog since I found it a month or so ago! Thank you for all you share! This blog is a wealth of good things.

    I wanted to let you know, we started participating in Sketch Tuesday doing your suggestions. I posted our first week (the Fur one) here if you want to see:

    But we are not artists like you folks, so seriously-don’t laugh.

    Oh and one more thing: WELCOME HOME!


  2. Pingback: Apply your GIFT Now « Youth Re-ignited

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