Sketch Tuesday ~ Something Poisonous!

Amanita spp, immature (possibly poisonous) Ama...

Image via Wikipedia

This was this week’s assignment:

Sketch something poisonous/venomous.

Barb gave this extra information:

Want to do some interesting research? Here are some links to poisonous/venomous things:

Ten Most Dangerous Plants in the World (skip the ad that comes up first)

All sketchers are welcome and there is no need to sign up. Send in your sketches in jpg format and mail them to: by Monday, May 16, 2011 and I will include them in Tuesday’s slideshow. Complete instructions are found by clicking the Sketch Tuesday tab at the top of my blog.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

And here’s what we sketched:

A Poisonous Spider by Miss. L9

Miss K11 sketched from image of poisonous mushrooms on Google

My painting of poisonous mushrooms

See you at the slideshow!


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