

We do Copywork Charlotte Mason’s way!

Although Copywork seems deceptively simple, it is power-packed with skills and range of difficulty that will teach, reinforce, strengthen and develop your child’s handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and writing style, all the way from Grade 1 to  high school graduation!

Charlotte Mason developed Copywork in 3 stages ~

  1. Copywork
  2. Transcription
  3. Dictation

Gently moving from one stage to the next as the child is ready, the child will very naturally practice beautiful handwriting, develop correct grammar and improve spelling, increase vocabulary, and seamlessly imitate good writing style (Read this post describing these stages in detail)

Nature Quotes ~

These famous nature-inspired quotes are really beautiful.  A writing prompt or question follows every quote to stimulate the child’s personal response to the quote.

(Click here to read the original post.)

John Muir Nature Quotes and Copywork ~

John Muir’s quotes reveal his real passion and love for nature and his Creator.
Use this collection of short quotes, some slightly longer quotes, as well as several long quotes for children from junior primary all the way to high school.

You can use these quotes ~

  • in your nature journalling
  • displayed in your nature study centre
  • copied or dictated for Copywork
  • for handwriting practice
  • for debate topics
  • as creative writing prompts
  • for nature causes and ideals

Here are your free 10-page downloads ~

Famous Music Quotes

A collection of 50 Famous Music Quotes copywork pages, in separate print and cursive downloads.  

This bundle contains one Famous Music Quotation copywork sheet a week for a whole year!

These copywork pages also include a personal response or interpretive writing prompts

(Read the original post here for details on how to develop the copywork through Charlotte Mason’s 3 approaches.)

Hymn Copywork ~

These Hymn Copywork  pages encourage your child to memorize the hymn for the week.

Your child will read the verses aloud daily and memorize to recite the hymn at the end of the week, discuss and look up new words, write meanings in their personal dictionary or on the hymn page, encourage a personal response to the hymn. Play the hymn gently in the background while the child writes out the copywork page for added memorization practice.

Beatitudes Copywork Pages

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount contain His “Blessed are …” blessings called The Beatitudes.  (Read the post here.)

I have created these Beatitude Copywork pages which include a detailed discussion of Charlotte Mason’s Copywork approach, the full Beatitude Scripture followed by a copywork page for each verse with a personal response or interpretive writing prompts.

These Scripture Copywork lessons provide an opportunity for the child to learn, understand, memorize and make the Scriptures a meaningful personal part of their lives.

Here are your  free Beatitude Copywork pages ~

Famous World Leader Quotes ~famous world leaders' quotes cover

A 10-page download including famous world leaders such as Queen Elizabeth 1, Winston Churchill, Napoleon and others, as an excellent addition to  Sonlight World History Core 1&2.  Each page has a print and cursive version and a place for personal interpretation or vocabulary extension.

George Washington Carver’s quotes ~

A collection of 12 inspiring George Washington Carver quotes and includes a biography page on George Washington Carver.  Each page has an interpretive question or vocabulary extension section.  Available in 3 different formats ~

Sonlight Language Arts Copywork ~ Reading with Easy Readers

Because the Sonlight worksheets are in print and I want my children to practice cursive handwriting, I created the beginner cursive writing. (Read the original post here.)  The copywork pages are in 2 different cursive font styles:

You may freely download these pages for your own personal use. Please link back to my blog when you share with others.


All rights reserved.  Please email me for permission granted for personal use only.  No part of this publication may be shared, stored, sold, reproduced, or distributed without my written consent.

26 thoughts on “Copywork

  1. I love the quotes you used and would like to print the editable version, however some of the quotes stop mid sentence. Will this correct itself upon printing?
    Thank you for the resource.


    • @Maranda De La Torre Thank you for your message. It is so long since I used any of these downloads and I would need to check each one so could you please email me and let me know which document seems to be incomplete and I will edit it and send it you you.


  2. This is so lovely, I was dreading making my own and I have a hard time printing them out with the lines just right. Thank you! The cursive looks rather different to me but it’s something new to learn 🙂 Thank you so much for providing these and may I ask what program do you use to make them?


    • @Chris, I’m delighted that you have found these copywork pages useful! I created them on MSWord and used free cursive fonts which I mentioned on the page. Blessings.


  3. Thankyou so much for your wonderful copywork resources. My daughter spent 2 years at school (from the age of 3 to 5) doing copywork but mistakes were never corrected so she got confused as to which way round the letters should go and questioned the whole point of the exercise. Your copywork resources are just what I need after floundering around for many weeks! Thankyou so much. Tracey


  4. Hi! I’m trying to find the ABC Cursive font – and I have on a few Webpages, but they do not look anything like the one u are using. – the one I can find is very swirley-
    Can you perhaps post a link to the font itself?
    Thank you!
    And thank you so much for sharing your copywork pages with us. I was wondering how, where and when I’m going to start doing it with my reluctant writer.


  5. These quotes are beautiful. If Mom’s like Carmen want to make their own, is a really easy way to customize copywork in print or cursive. You can vary the font or size depending on your child’s age.


  6. I would like to make my own copywork for my children, but I don’t know how. I need both copy one and trace one for my younger daughter with some pictures on.



  7. What an awesome blog you have.. thank you for sharing 🙂
    I am having a Homeschool Friends Blog Hop and if you want you could join in on the fun..Love to have ya..
    I love the Charlotte Mason way also ♥


  8. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pages. I’m excited about using them with my children! I’ve just begun looking through your blog and I love it already! Thank you again.


  9. The handwriting is beautiful – well done! At what age do you start teaching handwriting? Our child is 6 and her printing is quite messy – any tips?

    I just found your site yesterday and I am hooked – thank you for being such a valuable resource!


    • Welcome here Heather!
      Have you found my Handwriting Pages tab at the top of the bolg? There is a helpful hints booklet on the Print Handwriting Page. Also you could go through the handwriting step-by-step download. For more tips, I suggest you hit the handwriting tab on any post on my blog and all the posts on this topic will come up. Handwriting is a skill which needs regular practice, so once you’ve found the method and style you think will best suit your child, do a little perfect writing daily.
      Good luck and happy researching.


        • @Wassi Chamsy Homeschooling, copywork is an excellent learning tool – essentially used for handwriting practice, but also providing an inspiring quote for dictation lessons and Language Art practice. One copywork selection can be used over and over, each day focusing on a new aspect.
          Before actually starting the copywork, the parent should read the selection with the child, explaining any words the child may not understand, and discussing the concept, idea or inspiration in the quote. Your child should be able to answer questions on the copywork at any age, if you have selected a suitable passage for them and prepared the child as described above.


    • My 6year old daughter has learned cursive. her print aas always really messy with spacing wrong and reversed letters and just overall sloppy writing and her cursive is beautiful and infinitely more legible thann her printing ever was. So we do eberything in cursibe now. and while her print is still messy i figure we can work on it later because you really only need print for fillin out forms so that’s something we can touch on later when her writing habits are well formed. i say go for the cursive!!!


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