The Wonder of a Reset – Practical Tips

A reset is a wonderful way of restoring rest in our lives. Our days are a rhythm of routines that form resets; waking and sleeping, eating and working. When homeschooling and raising young children, it is vital to reset throughout the day and especially, I find, the most importantly, at the end of the day. … Continue reading The Wonder of a Reset – Practical Tips

Practical Organization Tips 2

In my previous post on Practical Organization Tips 1, I wrote about some of the practical ways I have organized the school room and the girls’ desk, chairs and stationary. Today I want to share some details about our files:

The girls’ files

1. I made cover pages or file dividers for each subject.

Practical Organization Tips 1

Some personal information here ~ I LOVE organization! My best friend once called me “The Organization Police” because I can’t help looking for ways to bring sense and order to end the chaos! Homeschool has been a pleasure when I’m organized, but when those days happen, and the kids are out of their chairs every 5 minutes to “get something”, I have to make a plan! So here are a few of my practical plans….

Our School Room