
Mental Maths Worksheets

When a child practices mental Maths, Mathematics becomes quicker and simpler = Maths Mastery!

My girls look at their Maths charts (Mini Office A5 Maths) too often during  their Maths lessons, so I made some fun worksheets for practice. These Mental Maths worksheets reinforce adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with just a few minutes practice every day.  Still, the Maths Mini Offices are a fabulous help!  Pop over to my Mini Office Page for your free downloads!

Click the titles for your downloads bellow ~

Maths Pyramids & Pyramid Answers~ Add or subtract numbers in a pyramid with 5 levels of difficulty

maths pyramid

Maths Rockets ~ Add or subtract or multiply numbers on the side to equal the number in the roof.  Great practice for bonds.

Maths Butterflies ~ 5 sums for each butterfly, so good for quick reviews

Maths butterflies

Maths Corners ~ 4 sums for each number, also a quick worksheet

Maths In & Out ~ Top row of random numbers “in” to work with a number and operation, and write the answer as “out”

Maths Caterpillars ~ Each caterpillar has random numbers or operations, from simple to complex

Maths Amazing Squares ~ Brilliant for bonds to 10 ~ all rows add to 10, up, down  or sideways!

maths squares

Maths Flowers ~ 13 pages include adding,subtraction, multiplication and division.

Blank Mental Maths templates – 2 formats for you to customize ~

  1. Mental Maths Blank Templates.doc– MS Word doc
  2. Mental Maths Blank Templates.pdf – pdf download

I recommend that moms can print out about 10 blank templates and write in their own numbers that they want their children to practice.

Some moms place each page in plastic page protectors and use dry-wipe markers for quick and easy maths practice. They slip in a new page for the next practice.

Visit the original post on how to customize the template in MS Word on your computer.

With a little regular practice the number combinations or patterns start to “click”  ~ which is great for confidence and generates a positive maths attitude! (See the original post with extra suggestions and advice here.)

Maths Manipulatives ~  Young learners need concrete, hand-on manipulatives.  Just click on the title above the photo for your download. (Read the original post here.)

Maths Number Value Cards

This manipulative is invaluable!  I use it often when working when introducing numbers, adding or subtracting numbers.  It makes perfect sense when we speak about count the ones, then the tens, now the hundreds and so on.

Math Bonds of 10 puzzle

This is an excellent help! I make my youngster sit on the mat and quickly build the bonds puzzle, then come do some robots or amazing Maths squares worksheets.

Maths Add Subtract 2 Wheels

Maths Division Wheels

(Print this 4 page download on 4 different coloured card stock pages.  Assemble the correct ‘division’ window to the correct circle.  I printed these muddled so that your window colour will contrast with the wheel.)

Maths Multiply All 2 Circles

Maths Multiplications Wheels

Blessings, Nadene

Copyright © 2015 Nadene Esterhuizen  All rights reserved.  Please email me for permission granted for personal use only.  No part of this publication may be shared, stored, sold, reproduced, or distributed without my written consent.

69 thoughts on “Maths

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderfully engaging ideas! I am so excited to use these in my classroom. I loved the addition and subtraction wheel. very creative


  2. Do you have the math pyramids in a .doc form so that the numbers can be changed? I love this worksheet and it would really be helpful right now! Thanks


  3. AMAZING and sooooo helpful!!! You have such a talent and are kind enough to share with the rest of us that really care and want to help our children. Thank you 🙂 🙂


  4. Nadene,
    I love your work! I was trying to download your multiplication and division wheels but am unable to. I’ve clicked on the titles but nothing happens-not sure if I’m doing something wrong. Could you please email them to me at: ?
    Thanks so much!!


  5. Thank you so much for all your ideas and hard work in doing this for lost Home school moms like myself. Ha ha. This has relieved a lot of stress already and appreciate you! I wondered if you might be able to explain a little of how Charlotte Mason’s taught Math concepts. An example of it. Thank you!!


    • @Tara, thank you for your positive feedback! Sadly, I never followed a Charlotte Mason approach to Maths. We used textbooks instead, and I supplemented with hands-on activities and games when necessary. Blessings!


  6. Amazing work, Nadine! You are a blessing for all moms struggling with their kids. To share with everyone is a such a noble gesture, God bless you!


  7. Thank you for sharing your fun math sheets. I am in school to become a teacher and I have to plan math lessons for an RTI group. your ideas give me a lot of fun ways for the class to practice their multiplication facts. Sara


  8. I love the wheel activities! I did have a small suggestion… I thought I would have been better to write the numbers that were inside of the wheel to face the outside of the wheel ( if that makes any sense) in other words… when I look at the wheel, it reads 4 / 32 instead of 32/4 because of the direction of the writing… I would like to create a wheel of my own to for a potential remedial center station. can you tell me how you printed the numbers inside of the circle? that way I could always change it up. Thank you!


  9. Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful resources! I find it very interesting that on your mini A5 sheet, you have the Dutch number words next to the English. We spent several years living in the Netherlands so I was happy to recognize the number words in Nederlands! 🙂


  10. Love all of your advice… using it in the classroom and it is working! (I am referencing you on my lesson plans!) Thanks for all of your brilliant ideas!!! Thanks for making math FUN!


  11. Wow! I came across your blog today and I am thankful that I did. I just have to make sure I bookmark the blog address so that I can actually find it later. I also subscribed via e-mail today. Thank you for sharing and making these resources FREE to others. The templates will be a tremendous help to us all. I already printed the blank rockets for use with my multiplication bead board. I was looking for blank printable multiplication fact booklets in sequential order and the blank rocket template will be a great alternative until I find what I am looking for later. I am so appreciative! Your hard work and dedication will bless many families and teachers.


  12. i have just recently become familiar with the area of remedial teaching and i really appreciate the material that you have put up on the site. thank you very much.


  13. Pingback: Making ‘cents’ out of Money « Practical Pages

  14. Nadine – I visited for the Musical pages recommendation from a friend ( and fabulous homeschooling mom) and I found myself browsing and printing many pages – esp. your math wheels. THANK YOU for the free pages – I hope you know how helpful your generosity is to the kids in the world!


  15. This site has given me renewed encouragement! Thank you for sharing. We find ourselves wondering how to afford what the kids need to learn well and what a blessing to then find this beautiful and very helpful site!


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