Best Parts

I recently read  Jeanne of A Peaceful Day‘s “Fitting in nice bits” and how she alternates their “best bits” of their Charlotte Mason education with short disciplinary lessons, and here’s how we fit in our “Best Parts”.

Week Theme 001

The simplest way I found to fit it all in and get to the “Best Parts” we do ~

That’s really all!


We have always loved the “Charlotte Mason moments” of our day,

… it is our ‘best parts’ …

time where we leave or seat-work & discipline studies and …

cuddle together with our read alouds,

spend time outside doing nature study,

discover Geography and Science from observations and reading great books,

drawing and sketching as I read poetry, or while listening to classical composers,

making handicrafts and baking inspired by Little House Stories …

narrations, notebooking and telling-back …

We spend about 10 mins on each of our 3R’s – Bible, Maths, Spelling, Copywork/ Handwriting, Language Arts, 2nd Language – about 1 hour max for all the seat work.

Time for tea, hang up some washing, prepare the lunch …and then on to the “Best Parts”.

Usually, we relax in the sunny spot in our lounge during winter, or under a shady tree in summer.  It is informal, although we take our notebooks and pencil bags along.  I have my planning file and books and we read, discover, narrate, discuss, cuddle, create, observe, learn together, … enjoy homeschool!

It is my best part.

In all my years of teaching and homeschool, I can state that it is all about intimacy.  It is my most fundamental reason for homeschooling.

And now that my older 2 daughters have moved away from a CM-based curriculum, I feel the loss all the more!  My tutoring time with each of them is focused much more academically than with CM learning.

So my advice to moms with younger children (all the way into junior high) is to plan short sweet lessons and plan to do the “Best Parts” every day!

Also, check out Tricia of Hodgepodge‘s ideas of How to Fit in All the Extras and Survive.

Hope this inspires and encourages you.  If you have some more ideas that work, please share in the comments below. Any questions? Please just ask – other readers may also be wondering …


5 thoughts on “Best Parts

  1. Pingback: Short and Sweet | Practical Pages

  2. I agree! I don’t understand those that say they have trouble fitting in the “extras”–if it weren’t for the “extras” (which, of course, aren’t really extras at all!), I think I would be completely burned out! The value of a liberal arts education is for both the student AND the teacher! 🙂


    • @literatelibran,you’re so right – it is the joy of all those small moments that build precious memories of homeschool days filled with love and intimacy! Blessings!


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