Partnered Reading ~ moments I treasure

Children grow up so quickly!

Those baby cuddles and snuggles make way for other intimate moments …

Reading together is a moment I treasure with each of my young children.

Here I am with my youngest.

My last learner-reader.

She WANTS to read, but it hard for her.

Harder than it was for any of my other children.

While I am conscious that this is “hard work” for her, I am glad we can do this together.

We cuddle together on the carpet,

and in her bed at bedtime. (She insists we read another book together at night.)

Or we snuggle in a sunny spot on the couch during the cold winters.

She sits, relaxed and supported in my lap.

My lips caress her ear, now and then whispering the sound or word.

She points to the words.

Or maybe she pushes her bookmark along under the sentence.

We laugh at silly Frog and ToadAmelia Bedelia or Owl as the tales unfold.

She looks at the pictures.

She looks for clues to the story.

In fact she can ‘read’ the story just by looking at the pictures.

We go on a journey.

Just the 2 of us.

It is intimate,


Soon she will read well enough to read alone.

Then she may snuggle next to me as I read aloud, but these are moments to remember.

I am so glad we homeschool.

Related  Post:

What moments do you treasure?


10 thoughts on “Partnered Reading ~ moments I treasure

  1. Pingback: Partnered Reading Helps Improve Reading | Practical Pages

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  7. I am teaching my last little reader, too. I don’t mind that it is taking longer, either, as I will miss this intimate time of teaching. I thought your words were beautiful.

    Ring true,


  8. A friend posted this poem on my blog. Now I put it on yours:

    You may have tangible wealth untold;
    Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
    Richer than I you can never be—
    I had a mother who read to me.”

    Strickland W. Gillilan – The Reading Mother



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