Mountains Minibooks & Notebook pages

Here are our minibooks and notebook pages for our study on


My youngest daughters are in  junior and middle school level and we enjoyed an overview study of mountains.

We looked at …

pictures of the highest mountains,

snow-capped mountains,

most important mountain ranges on each continent,

famous mountains in many countries,

mountain terms and vocabulary,

measured and compared heights of mountains in our country using our atlas,

and viewed these web sites:

An overview of mountains ~

How to build a mountain ~

Five North American Mountain Ranges ~

Mountains around the world ~

And then the girls wrote brief notes in their minibooks.

You can download our Mountains Minibook and notebook page here ~ Mountains minibook

You can visit my Geography Free Pages to see the rest of our geography topics and downloads!

5 thoughts on “Mountains Minibooks & Notebook pages

  1. Pingback: Raising Roos

  2. In June we made a trip from Belgium to Italy and so came to see a lot of different mountains: volcanic, ‘marble’, low, and very high (the Alps). We went over mountains and through (tunnels) and I enjoyed showing my daughter what we had learned so far from the book’ Follow the Water from Brook to the Ocean’, from the series ‘Let’s Read and Find Out’. The review (in Dutch) and photo’s are here:
    I will download that flyer-minibook. It looks like a lovely resource. One that will be very hard to trash, even in a couple of years time. I like these kind of playful, artistic geography resources. Thank you!


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