Maths Flowers ~ More Mental Maths Worksheets

I have made these mental maths worksheets to add some variety to your previous Mental Maths downloads!

Maths Flowers

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These 13 pages of Maths Flowers include adding,subtraction, multiplication and division.

Each page is dedicated to one number concept;

+ 2, -2 or x2 and divide 2

3, or 4 or 5 x table

bonds of 10

and blank page for you to customize.

Here is your 13 page download ~ Maths Flowers

Please check for more Maths or Remedial downloads on Free Pages.

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7 thoughts on “Maths Flowers ~ More Mental Maths Worksheets

  1. My kids love your math pages! I just organized all the math downloads from your blog into their own special folder, so I can find them easier. Thanks so much!


    • Misty, what a lovely, neat idea! I have all my Mental Maths all printed and in front of my weekly planning. The kids can come and chose new sheets for the week.
      Kimberly, Paula, Anna-Marie and Tammy, you’re so welcome! Thanks for your positive feed-back.


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